Monday, December 23, 2013

Tasting Notes: 2012 Gabbiano "Il Caviliere" Chianti

Appearance:  Pours a dark, opaque purplish red.  No legs.

Aromas:  Tannin, alcohol.

Mouthfeel:  Medium bodied, but rolls through the mouth, no residue or syrupy remains.

Flavors:    Balanced.  Red fruit flavors (but not really any residual sweetness) are balanced but not overpowered by the tannins.  Flavorful without being abrasive or harsh.  Just a touch of black pepper spice.

Overall: Meh on its own, but, like many Italian wines, could probably benefit from and benefit a pairing with the right food.  I want to try this wine with pasta in a nice arabiata sauce, or with a dish with spicy Italian sausage.  The food would really bring the flavors in this to life.  The tannins and slight spiciness of the wine would highlight the spice, but the fruit would also keep the spice of the sauce or sausage in check.  Probably not a bottle I would buy again to drink on its own, but next time I cook some nice spicy Italian food, I'll be trying it wit this wine for sure.  That might be partly my own bias, as I tend to think of Italian wines as being particularly well suited for pairing with food, and a little bland on their own.

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