Saturday, January 11, 2014

Tasting Notes: "Stella Pink" from Stella Rosa

Appearance:  Pours a very dark, hazy pink, almost like a pink lemonade color, but darker.  A little bit of effervescence.  A little bit of leg going on, and very slow to move down the side of the glass.

Aroma:  I get a little bit of red fruit, but also a definite tartness, and a hint of alcohol that surprised me for a 5% wine.

Mouthfeel:  Light while you're drinking it, but definitely leaves some syrupy body behind.

Flavors:  Sweet.  I get a little peach, raspberry, etc.  Almost like a peach melba flavor going on.  A touch of strawberries, and definitely a bit of acidity up front as well, although it finishes very sweet, almost like strawberry syrup (think Nesquik).

Overall:  Pretty much what you'd expect for a $5ish, 5% ABV pink wine.  A little too sweet for everyday drinking, or drinking with food.  Not very refined or delicate.  But, not terrible either.  And at $5 and 5%, this is a pretty drinkable treat for a hot, outdoor drinking session in the sun.  More like dessert or candy than wine, though.

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