Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Tasting Notes: Rex Goliath Pink Pinot Grigio

Appearance:  Pours a light peach/orange color, as one would expect from a "pink" or orange pinot grigio.  When agitated, it leaves a film, but it doesn't really streak down the glass as much as it pools its way down toward the liquid.

Aroma:  I get peaches, slightly underripe strawberries, and a touch of ethyl alcohol.

Mouthfeel:  Medium bodied while you drink it, but a definite syrupy residue when you're done.  A little heat in the finish.

Flavors:  Interesting.  I get a slight peaches and cream flavor, with again the underripe berries (this time strawberries and raspberries).  A definite alcohol/solvent flavor, and that is what lingers for me.

Overall:  While the legendary 47 pound rooster may love this wine, I'm not crazy about it.  The sweetness, high alcohol (for a sweet wine), and slight acidity don't really blend together or balance each other so much as they seem to butt up against each other.  Definitely feels more "jumbled" than complex to me.  Probably not a wine I would buy again, even at its very reasonable ($5ish) price.

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