Thursday, June 27, 2013

Tasting Notes: New Glarus Fat Squirrel

Appearance: Pours an opaque, hazelnut brown, with a thin head, which leaves nice lacing, but dissipates from the beer fairly quickly.

Aroma:  Malty, bready.

Mouthfeel: Pretty light for a brown ale, and very effervescent carbonation feeling.

Flavors: Coffee, bread, almonds, hazelnut.  Pretty balance between the coffee, the malty/bready notes, and the nutty flavors.  Finishes with a crisp hoppiness, and a lingering hint of coffee.

Overall:  Pretty balanced beer, and not as heavy or full bodied as one might expect from a brown ale.  The bottle-conditioned effervescence give it a lightness on the palate which make this a great beer for even a hot summer day.  All the flavors one would expect from a nut brown, without the heaviness that usually keeps me drinking these only in the winter.

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