Thursday, June 13, 2013

Tasting Notes: Monk's Cafe Flanders Red Ale

Appearance:  Pours a dark, opaque red-brown.  Very large, very airy light brown head, which lingers and gets more frothy/foamy.

Aroma: Tart cherry, a little bit of butter.

Mouthfeel: Pretty light bodied, although lingers a bit on the roof of the mouth.

Flavors: Cherry, only mildly sour, a little bit of butter/creaminess.  Finishes with a very strong metallic, iron note.

Overall:  Decent Flanders red.  Not as mouth-puckeringly sour as some, but also not overly sweet.   A little creaminess/butter from lactic acid, and pretty drinkable for a sour.  Overall, not my favorite example of the style, but a good, balanced, drinkable sour.

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