Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tasting Notes: North Coast Barrel Aged Old Rasputin

Appearance: Pours a deep, dark, almost black brown.  Nice, coffee colored, creamy, foamy head, with decent retention and a little bit of lacing.

Aroma: Booze, chocolate, caramel, in that order.  Smells much sweeter and more chocolatey than the non-barrel aged version of the same beer.

Mouthfeel: Full bodied, but not sticky or syrupy.  Creamy texture.

Flavors: Boozy, coffee, just a hint of chocolate and caramel sweetness.  Lingering, bitter/burnt coffee finish.

Overall: Definitely a special beer.  Complex, with a lot going on both on the nose and the palate.  Similar enough to the unaged version that it is recognizable, but definitely smoother, richer, and a little more complex.  Definitely not a sweet beer by any means, but also not quite as dry or harsh as an unaged Old Rasputin.  Would be a great beer to drink with a special meal or a very special, equally rich dessert.

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