Monday, April 1, 2013

Tasting Notes: Barefoot Pinot Grigio

Appearance: Very light, white-ish, a touch of green.  Poured almost effervescent, with bubbles rising as it poured.  No legs when swirled.

Aroma: Mild, but a touch of lemon and grapefruit.

Mouthfeel: Light, rolls right off the tongue, but not as light as some pinot grigios.

Flavor: A little more fruit than I was expecting from a pinot grigio.  A bit of lemon, also a little bit of peach, not as much minearlity as I was expecting, and actually slightly sweet.  Finishes with a slight alcohol flavor, and a little bit creamy.  Not a sharp, crisp finish, but also doesn't linger.

Overall: Interesting wine.  Not as awful as I was expecting for something under $6.  In fact, I actually kind of liked it.  Definitely not true to the pinot grigio varietal though.  Although lighter than a chardonnay, it was not as light or drinkable as most pinot grigios.  Instead of the rich, mineral notes, it had a lot of fruit, and was actually slightly sweet.  Personally, I love pinot grigio with food, but usually find it a little too light and kind of boring on its own.  This wine would probably not pair well with typical pinot grigio pairings, but is actually kind of enjoyable on its own.  Definitely not the greatest wine, but for a $6 bottle from Barefoot, not the worst either.

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