Monday, January 5, 2015

Tasting Notes: Rosatello Rosso

Appearance:  The wine pours a very clear, but bright red, and is very effervescent, and actually pours with a bit of a head. Didn't check for legs, since I didn't want to kill the sparkle.

Aroma: Smells almost like a moscato.  Slightly effervescent aroma, with slightly sweet notes of peaches and berries.

Mouthfeel:  Light bodied, but does kind of coat the mouth with an almost syrupy texture in the finish.  The effervescence is noticeable, but not as prominent as you would think from looking at or smelling this wine.

Flavors:  Confirm the nose, but stronger, and definitely sweeter.  Almost tastes like a peach melba wine.  Peaches and stone fruit with ripe raspberry, hints of strawberry and cherry.  Almost, but not quite, cloying sweetness.

Overall:  This is a semi-sparkling, sweet, red blend.  Probably not everyone's cup of tea, and not the most refined wine I've ever tasted, but it is surprisingly tasting.  It is just this side of being sickeningly sweet, so if you're not a sweet wine drinker at all, definitely stay away.  Although it's hard to imagine in Chicago winter, I'm sure this would be a great wine for the beach or the pool on a hot, summer day.  It's also only 6%.  Overall, not a terrible wine if you know what you're getting yourself into and don't mind a slightly sparkling, sweet red.

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