Monday, November 24, 2014

Tasting Notes: 2012 Sutter Home Pink Pinot Grigio

Appearance: Pours an almost transparent peachy pink.  After swirling, you get a film which seems to pool down the glass, rather than legs that run.

Aroma:  Slight peach and stone fruit, with a sharp acidity (lemon and grapefruit).

Mouthfeel:  Light on the tongue, although a little bit of a syrupy feel after it goes down.

Flavors:  Definitely heavy on the peach.  Also get a little bit of melon, kiwi, and a touch of strawberry.  The citrus notes from the nose are absent, although it finishes with an acidity which leaves the mouth watering.  A lingering finish of peach, and the strawberry becomes more prominent in the finish than it was on the palate.

Overall:  This is, I guess, what you would expect from a pink wine from Sutter Home.  Like other low-end pink pinot grigios I've tried, it is interesting how different it is from a traditional pinot grigio.  The flavors and the mouth feel both have a definite sweetness to them which white pinot grigios lack.  While hardly complex or refined, the flavors are pleasant, and I would consider drinking this again on a hot summer day, as it is a refreshing, easy drinking wine.

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