First of all, sorry for the awful photo. I just noticed you can't read the label, and the head is not there. Next time I drink one of these I may just re-upload. Now, on to the beer.
Appearance: Pours a light amber with a hint of caramel or orange color to it and a slight haze. Nice medium-bodied white head to it, which went away fairly quickly, but left some nice lacing.
Aroma: Malty. Corn, cereal, no fruit or hops on the nose of this beer.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied. Definitely not syrupy or heavy, but also not going to roll through like a lager or some other blondes or golden ales.
Flavor: Definitely get the same malt as on the nose, albeit more cereal and less corn. A little more caramel, fuller malt flavors. Also a hint of spice, maybe allspice or clove. Finishes with a crisp hop bite, and no real lingering flavors.
Overall: Meh. Nothing bad about this beer. It's just probably not something I would go out of my way to buy again. It's got the same flavors and aromas as a macro-brewed adjunct lager, but a little more body, some caramel sweetness, and some spice. After years of associating that corn smell and the malty start with a slightly hoppy finish with the big guys, it's had for me to really think of them differently, even with a little extra sweetness and some spice.
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