Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tasting Notes: New Glarus Serendipity

This beer is subtitled  "Happy Accident Fruit Ale" and the story of the beer is printed on the side of the label.  There was a drought in Wisconsin, which made the cherry harvest less than ideal, and also made it difficult/expensive to produce Belgian Red, one of New Glarus's most popular beers.  So along with what they could get of the cherry harvest, they bought apples and cranberries, and made this fruit ale with all three, using wild fermentation.  Sounds interesting.  Now for the tasting notes:
Appearance: Poured a deep, brownish red.  A little more translucent than a Flanders Red, but similar color schemes going on.  The head was interesting.  Solid, firm base, but also some effervescence, almost like a glass of champagne.  Watching the beer itself after pouring, and even the top of the thicker head, you could see smaller bubbles rising to the top and popping through the foam.

Aroma: A tiny bit of green apple bite, but mostly sour cherry.

Mouthfeel: Light, rolls right over your tongue.  Definitely pick up on the same effervescence I noticed in the appearance after pouring.

Flavor: Starts off with tart cherry, then moves into the more sour cranberry flavor, then finishes on the sweeter side of the cherry, with a lingering sweet/tart cherry finish.  I don't get a ton of the apple on the palate.  Not as sour as I was expecting from a sour/wild fermented beer mad with three tart/sour fruits.  Good balance between the sweetness of the malt and fruit and the tart/sour side of the beer.  Doesn't leave you puckered up at the beginning or finish like a lot of sours do, but definitely a refreshing sourness to it.

Overall: Great.  Would definitely buy this regularly if they distributed out here (my current stash of New Glarus was smuggled back to California from a side trip on my Thanksgiving voyage).  Probably a little less sour than some "sour" fans would like, but also more sessionable and drinkable for the average beer drinker than a lot of other sours.  I could definitely see myself having more than one of these, unlike a lot of other sours I like.  Also, at 5.1%, wouldn't be so terrible to have a few.  I hope they decide to keep this beer around even if the cherry harvest is nicer to them next year .

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