Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tasting Notes: The Bruery Mother Funker

Just opened this one up today.  This is from their Provisions Series, which, up until last month, was a set of beers only available at their retail store.  Unfortunately, Provisions has closed.  Reading the FAQ on their website, it looks like the series will continue to exist, and will be called the Preservation Series.  They will be available at their tasting room in Placentia, and, it appears, to members of a new bottle club they are adding.  Now, on to the fun stuff.

Appearance: Pours a really bright, lively, golden color.  No haze or cloudiness at all.  Very little head, and it dissipated almost immediately, with no lacing.

Aroma: Sour.  A slight vinegar aroma, a bit of lemon, but overall just a very sour smell.

Mouthfeel: Very light bodied.  Also pretty flat, not a lot of carbonation on this one.

Taste: Starts out with a pucker-up, tart, sour ale taste, vinegary with a hint of lemon.  Mid-palate I got a moment of funk, barnyard, Brett-like flavor, and then back to the pucker up kind of sour, with a lingering lemony, band-aid-ish finish on it.

Overall: I loved it, and was pleasantly surprised.  I tend to like the tart, sour style of sours and wilds more than the funky, barnyardy, Saisony style.  Based on the name, I was expecting a lot more funk and less tart from this beer.  It has a lot more funk than some other tart sours, but still has a solid tartness to it.  If you like sours, this is a great beer.  If you're not a fan of sours, I would stay away.

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