Monday, March 24, 2014

Tasting Notes: Chimay White (Cinq Cents)

Appearance:  Pours a hazy, light gold with a hint of orange.  A pillowy, eggshell head.  Great retention and really nice lacing.

Aromas:  I get banana nut muffin, with the yeastiness, the breadiness, the banana, and a hint of sweetness.

Mouthfeel:  Medium to full body, but with a nice effervescence and foaminess that lightens it up on the palate.

Flavors:  I get a little bit of a fresh yeast flavor, along with a hint of banana, although not as much as I got on the nose.  Also a bit of apricot.  Definitely a bit of sweetness, but finishes dry.  A bit of coriander and baking spice as well.

Overall:  Definitely a great beer.  Its 8% alcohol is masked nicely by a variety of yeast-driven flavors, from a fruitiness to a breadiness and finishing with a refreshingly dry bit of spice.  No one element overpowers the other.  Very balanced, with everything Belgian styles have to offer, without anything becoming too much.

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