Monday, March 24, 2014

Tasting Notes: Chimay White (Cinq Cents)

Appearance:  Pours a hazy, light gold with a hint of orange.  A pillowy, eggshell head.  Great retention and really nice lacing.

Aromas:  I get banana nut muffin, with the yeastiness, the breadiness, the banana, and a hint of sweetness.

Mouthfeel:  Medium to full body, but with a nice effervescence and foaminess that lightens it up on the palate.

Flavors:  I get a little bit of a fresh yeast flavor, along with a hint of banana, although not as much as I got on the nose.  Also a bit of apricot.  Definitely a bit of sweetness, but finishes dry.  A bit of coriander and baking spice as well.

Overall:  Definitely a great beer.  Its 8% alcohol is masked nicely by a variety of yeast-driven flavors, from a fruitiness to a breadiness and finishing with a refreshingly dry bit of spice.  No one element overpowers the other.  Very balanced, with everything Belgian styles have to offer, without anything becoming too much.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Tasting Notes: 2011 "Les Ursulines" Nuit-Saing-Georges

Appearance: Pours a deep ruby red.  Pretty dark, but when it swirls, does let some light through.  Quick moving legs.

Aroma:  I get a little bit of alcohol heat, along with a nice balance of tart and sweet black cherry aromas, and a hint of raspberry as well.

Mouthfeel:  Light to medium body, a soft tannic presence which would definitely not stand out if this were not a pinot, but does give just a touch of astringency at the end that I wasn't expecting.

Flavors:  I do get some of the earthiness and minerality I expect from a red Burgundy, but I also get a lot more fruit than I would expect.  Fruit flavors confirm the nose, with ripe cherry and a hint of raspberry.  The alcohol I picked up on the nose was not present on the palate.

Overall:  I'm not 100% sure how I feel about this wine.  It is a lot more like an American pinot, although a little less bold, than I had thought it would be.  Fruity, but still subtle and easy drinking.  A good balance of earthy flavors with some gentle but definitely noticeable fruit flavors. A flavorful, but still very easy-drinking wine.  For a Burgundy under $20 it is a pretty good value.  Something I would probably drink again, but not rush out to buy another bottle of.